Big Data & Analytics Solutions



In a very competitive marketplace, a retailer’s dream is the ability to hack on how to keep their consumers interested. With an ever-growing omni channel environment; online, in-store, mobile, and social, retailers are fighting to remain competitive while reducing customer churn rates (loss of customers).

Retailers depend on timely, accurate reporting and analysis of sales performance data to determine consumer trends so that they can change their pricing and marketing strategies as and when the market changes. Retail technology tools such as predictive analytics and price intelligence form the foundation for a real-time competitive strategy.

Carrel Technologies Ltd.’s Big Data & Analytics solutions, allow for operational data to be captured in-memory as transactions occur so that analytics can be performed against rich data sources and uncover insights in real time. This in-turn helps retailers succeed in the market, big or small, no matter their market strategy.

Carrel Technologies
Technology Excellence, Delivered

Contact Us

Nairobi, Kenya
Suite 4F, 4th Floor Sifa Towers
Ring Road Kilimani | Lenana Road Junction
P.O Box 29836-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 265 5746

Juba, South Sudan
Block AX111 | Hai Malakal,
Juba, South Sudan.