Integrated Enterprise Infrastructure Services

Data Backup and Availability Solutions

Data Backup and Availability Solutions

Surviving a disaster and ensuring sustainable operations is a key corporate objective. This is how we help you maintain access to core processes and data when your local IT assets are compromised.

Daily Backups of all operating systems, files, and applications are mirrored locally to restore quickly in times of emergency.

Cloud Backups ensure you have everything you need to continue working from anywhere when your onsite assets are inaccessible.

Emergency Response Planning provides your entire team with clear and concise policies and procedures to deal with disruption. In the event of any localized disaster, malware attack, or breach, your business operations continue smoothly.

Regular Testing of Restore Availability guarantees that backups are ready to be used, documenting gaps and errors to prevent the possibility of failed backups that keep you from staying operational.

Carrel Technologies
Technology Excellence, Delivered

Contact Us

Nairobi, Kenya
Suite 4F, 4th Floor Sifa Towers
Ring Road Kilimani | Lenana Road Junction
P.O Box 29836-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 265 5746

Juba, South Sudan
Block AX111 | Hai Malakal,
Juba, South Sudan.