Integrated Enterprise Infrastructure Services

Data Center Migration

Data Center Migration

We understand how migration to a new structure or environment such as cloud or hybrid set ups can be hectic. Both planned & unplanned outages, downtime, increased costs, and project drift everything can cause a lot of stress and resources. We plan, strategise, and implement to achieve a data storage system that is robust, reliant, consistent, and secure.

Carrel Technologies
Technology Excellence, Delivered

Contact Us

Nairobi, Kenya
Suite 4F, 4th Floor Sifa Towers
Ring Road Kilimani | Lenana Road Junction
P.O Box 29836-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 265 5746

Juba, South Sudan
Block AX111 | Hai Malakal,
Juba, South Sudan.