


Symantec is a world leader in the provision of information security services. Symantec produces the Norton security software packages for various devices. Some of Symantec’s products include Norton 360, Norton Antivirus, Norton Internet Security, Norton SystemWorks, Norton Save & Restore, and Norton Ghost, among others. Carrel Technologies Ltd.’s relationship with Symantec helps us to meet the data security needs of our clients

Carrel Technologies
Technology Excellence, Delivered

Contact Us

Nairobi, Kenya
Suite 4F, 4th Floor Sifa Towers
Ring Road Kilimani | Lenana Road Junction
P.O Box 29836-00100,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 265 5746

Juba, South Sudan
Block AX111 | Hai Malakal,
Juba, South Sudan.